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Christus Rex Paschal Candle

Christus Rex Paschal Candle

Regular price $237.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $237.00 USD
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Christus Rex™, 51% Beeswax Paschal CandleChristus Rex™ – We worship Jesus as Christ the King. Tu Rex gloriae Christe. So he is said to reign in the hearts of humanity, Christ as our Lord, Christ as our King. Framed as the illuminated centerpiece of a gothic stained glass rose window. This exquisite design celebrates the Kingship of Christ as King of all humankind, King eternal, King of all kings, King of the ages, and Lord of all creation. Artisans delicately apply all natural, fine metal leafing to recreate the look of illuminated stained glass set in traditional gothic frames. The Christ as King design is further enunciated by the presence of both the intertwined Alpha Omega and the Victorious Agnus Dei each set as bas relief window centers. Complete with wax incense pins. He will sit upon his royal throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him. (Mt 25).

NEVER LEAVE A BURNING CANDLE UNATTENDED, If you require any help with setting up, lighting or how to safely burn your candles please contact our sales team.

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Categories: Paschal & Complementing Candles
Brand: F.A. Dumont View full details