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Luke 24 Paschal Candle

Luke 24 Paschal Candle

Regular price $222.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $222.00 USD
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Luke 24 - 51% Beeswax Paschal CandleWe celebrate – “Why do you search for the living one among the dead?He is not here, he has been risen up”. Our Saviour Jesus Christ, on this morning we celebrate.One of the most resonating scripture reading of our faith emblazoned as the theme of this paschal candle. The burial shroud symbolically draped on his cross, his Chi Rho monogram triumphantly crowns the design ensemble. All rendered in wax with highlights of copper leaf and burnished with bronze wash. Luke 24™ Distinguished, Unparalleled, Extraordinary.

NEVER LEAVE A BURNING CANDLE UNATTENDED, If you require any help with setting up, lighting or how to safely burn your candles please contact our sales team.

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Categories: Paschal & Complementing Candles
Brand: F.A. Dumont View full details